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Holmes DE, Shrestha PM, Walker DJF, Dang Y, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Lovley DR.  2017.  Metatranscriptomic Evidence for Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer between Geobacter and Methanothrix Species in Methanogenic Rice Paddy Soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 83(9)
Holmes DE, Giloteaux L, Barlett M, Chavan MA, Smith JA, Williams KH, Wilkins M, Long P, Lovley DR.  2013.  Molecular analysis of the in situ growth rates of subsurface Geobacter species.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 79(5):1646-53.
Holmes DE, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2004.  In situ expression of nifD in Geobacteraceae in subsurface sediments.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 70(12):7251-9.
Holmes DE, Dang Y, Walker DJF, Lovley DR.  2016.  The electrically conductive pili of pecies are a recently evolved feature for extracellular electron transfer.. Microb Genom. 2(8):e000072.
Holmes DE, Giloteaux L, Williams KH, Wrighton KC, Wilkins MJ, Thompson CA, Roper TJ, Long PE, Lovley DR.  2013.  Enrichment of specific protozoan populations during in situ bioremediation of uranium-contaminated groundwater.. ISME J. 7(7):1286-98.
Holmes DE, Nevin KP, Snoeyenbos-West OL, Woodard TL, Strickland JN, Lovley DR.  2015.  Protozoan grazing reduces the current output of microbial fuel cells.. Bioresour Technol. 193:8-14.
Holmes DE, Nevin KP, O'Neil RA, Ward JE, Adams LA, Woodard TL, Vrionis HA, Lovley DR.  2005.  Potential for quantifying expression of the Geobacteraceae citrate synthase gene to assess the activity of Geobacteraceae in the subsurface and on current-harvesting electrodes.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 71(11):6870-7.
Holmes DE, O'Neil RA, Chavan MA, N'guessan LA, Vrionis HA, Perpetua LA, Larrahondo JM, DiDonato R, Liu A, Lovley DR.  2009.  Transcriptome of Geobacter uraniireducens growing in uranium-contaminated subsurface sediments.. ISME J. 3(2):216-30.
Holmes DE, Mester T, O'Neil RA, Perpetua LA, Larrahondo JM, Glaven R, Sharma ML, Ward JE, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2008.  Genes for two multicopper proteins required for Fe(III) oxide reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens have different expression patterns both in the subsurface and on energy-harvesting electrodes.. Microbiology. 154(Pt 5):1422-35.
Holmes DE, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2004.  Comparison of 16S rRNA, nifD, recA, gyrB, rpoB and fusA genes within the family Geobacteraceae fam. nov.. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 54(Pt 5):1591-9.
Holmes DE, Chaudhuri SK, Nevin KP, Mehta T, Methé BA, Liu A, Ward JE, Woodard TL, Webster J, Lovley DR.  2006.  Microarray and genetic analysis of electron transfer to electrodes in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Environ Microbiol. 8(10):1805-15.
Holmes DE, O'Neil RA, Vrionis HA, N'guessan LA, Ortiz-Bernad I, Larrahondo MJ, Adams LA, Ward JA, Nicoll JS, Nevin KP et al..  2007.  Subsurface clade of Geobacteraceae that predominates in a diversity of Fe(III)-reducing subsurface environments.. ISME J. 1(8):663-77.
Holmes DE, Orelana R, Giloteaux L, Wang L-Y, Shrestha P, Williams K, Lovley DR, Rotaru A-E.  2018.  Potential for Methanosarcina to Contribute to Uranium Reduction during Acetate-Promoted Groundwater Bioremediation.. Microb Ecol. 76(3):660-667.
Holmes DE, Giloteaux L, Chaurasia AK, Williams KH, Luef B, Wilkins MJ, Wrighton KC, Thompson CA, Comolli LR, Lovley DR.  2015.  Evidence of Geobacter-associated phage in a uranium-contaminated aquifer.. ISME J. 9(2):333-46.
Hedrick DB, Peacock AD, Lovley DR, Woodard TL, Nevin KP, Long PE, White DC.  2009.  Polar lipid fatty acids, LPS-hydroxy fatty acids, and respiratory quinones of three Geobacter strains, and variation with electron acceptor.. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 36(2):205-9.
