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Filters: Author is Williams, Kenneth H and Keyword is Uranium  [Clear All Filters]
Williams KH, Bargar JR, Lloyd JR, Lovley DR.  2013.  Bioremediation of uranium-contaminated groundwater: a systems approach to subsurface biogeochemistry.. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 24(3):489-97.
Giloteaux L, Holmes DE, Williams KH, Wrighton KC, Wilkins MJ, Montgomery AP, Smith JA, Orellana R, Thompson CA, Roper TJ et al..  2013.  Characterization and transcription of arsenic respiration and resistance genes during in situ uranium bioremediation.. ISME J. 7(2):370-83.
Holmes DE, Giloteaux L, Williams KH, Wrighton KC, Wilkins MJ, Thompson CA, Roper TJ, Long PE, Lovley DR.  2013.  Enrichment of specific protozoan populations during in situ bioremediation of uranium-contaminated groundwater.. ISME J. 7(7):1286-98.
Williams KH, Wilkins MJ, A N'Guessan L, Arey B, Dodova E, Dohnalkova A, Holmes D, Lovley DR, Long PE.  2013.  Field evidence of selenium bioreduction in a uranium-contaminated aquifer.. Environ Microbiol Rep. 5(3):444-52.
Wilkins MJ, Wrighton KC, Nicora CD, Williams KH, McCue LAnn, Handley KM, Miller CS, Giloteaux L, Montgomery AP, Lovley DR et al..  2013.  Fluctuations in species-level protein expression occur during element and nutrient cycling in the subsurface.. PLoS One. 8(3):e57819.
Holmes DE, Giloteaux L, Barlett M, Chavan MA, Smith JA, Williams KH, Wilkins M, Long P, Lovley DR.  2013.  Molecular analysis of the in situ growth rates of subsurface Geobacter species.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 79(5):1646-53.