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Filters: Author is Lovley, Derek R and Keyword is Graphite [Clear All Filters]
Electron transfer by Desulfobulbus propionicus to Fe(III) and graphite electrodes.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 70(2):1234-7.
2004. Graphite electrodes as electron donors for anaerobic respiration.. Environ Microbiol. 6(6):596-604.
2004. Evidence for involvement of an electron shuttle in electricity generation by Geothrix fermentans.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 71(4):2186-9.
2005. Remediation and recovery of uranium from contaminated subsurface environments with electrodes.. Environ Sci Technol. 39(22):8943-7.
2005. Graphite electrode as a sole electron donor for reductive dechlorination of tetrachlorethene by Geobacter lovleyi.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74(19):5943-7.
2008. Stimulating the anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated sediments by providing an electrode as the electron acceptor.. Environ Microbiol. 12(4):1011-20.
2010. Gene expression and deletion analysis of mechanisms for electron transfer from electrodes to Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Bioelectrochemistry. 80(2):142-50.
2011. Aromatic amino acids required for pili conductivity and long-range extracellular electron transport in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. mBio. 4(2):e00105-13.
2013. Improved cathode for high efficient microbial-catalyzed reduction in microbial electrosynthesis cells.. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 15(34):14290-4.
2013. .
An Chassis for Production of Electrically Conductive Protein Nanowires.. ACS Synth Biol. 9(3):647-654.
Department of Microbiology