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Holmes DE, Mester T, O'Neil RA, Perpetua LA, Larrahondo JM, Glaven R, Sharma ML, Ward JE, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2008.  Genes for two multicopper proteins required for Fe(III) oxide reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens have different expression patterns both in the subsurface and on energy-harvesting electrodes.. Microbiology. 154(Pt 5):1422-35.
Izallalen M, Mahadevan R, Burgard A, Postier B, DiDonato R, Sun J, Schilling CH, Lovley DR.  2008.  Geobacter sulfurreducens strain engineered for increased rates of respiration.. Metab Eng. 10(5):267-75.
Shelobolina ES, Vrionis HA, Findlay RH, Lovley DR.  2008.  Geobacter uraniireducens sp. nov., isolated from subsurface sediment undergoing uranium bioremediation.. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 58(Pt 5):1075-8.
Strycharz SM, Woodard TL, Johnson JP, Nevin KP, Sanford RA, Löffler FE, Lovley DR.  2008.  Graphite electrode as a sole electron donor for reductive dechlorination of tetrachlorethene by Geobacter lovleyi.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74(19):5943-7.
Risso C, Methé BA, Elifantz H, Holmes DE, Lovley DR.  2008.  Highly conserved genes in Geobacter species with expression patterns indicative of acetate limitation.. Microbiology. 154(Pt 9):2589-99.
Kim B-C, Postier BL, Didonato RJ, Chaudhuri SK, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2008.  Insights into genes involved in electricity generation in Geobacter sulfurreducens via whole genome microarray analysis of the OmcF-deficient mutant.. Bioelectrochemistry. 73(1):70-5.
Kim B-C, Lovley DR.  2008.  Investigation of direct vs. indirect involvement of the c-type cytochrome MacA in Fe(III) reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens.. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 286(1):39-44.
Ding Y-HR, Hixson KK, Aklujkar MA, Lipton MS, Smith RD, Lovley DR, Mester T.  2008.  Proteome of Geobacter sulfurreducens grown with Fe(III) oxide or Fe(III) citrate as the electron acceptor.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1784(12):1935-41.
Nevin KP, Kim B-C, Glaven RH, Johnson JP, Woodard TL, Methé BA, Didonato RJ, Covalla SF, Franks AE, Liu A et al..  2009.  Anode biofilm transcriptomics reveals outer surface components essential for high density current production in Geobacter sulfurreducens fuel cells.. PLoS One. 4(5):e5628.
Scheibe TD, Mahadevan R, Fang Y, Garg S, Long PE, Lovley DR.  2009.  Coupling a genome-scale metabolic model with a reactive transport model to describe in situ uranium bioremediation.. Microb Biotechnol. 2(2):274-86.
Krushkal J, Leang C, Barbe JF, Qu Y, Yan B, Puljic M, Adkins RM, Lovley DR.  2009.  Diversity of promoter elements in a Geobacter sulfurreducens mutant adapted to disruption in electron transfer.. Funct Integr Genomics. 9(1):15-25.
Aklujkar M, Krushkal J, DiBartolo G, Lapidus A, Land ML, Lovley DR.  2009.  The genome sequence of Geobacter metallireducens: features of metabolism, physiology and regulation common and dissimilar to Geobacter sulfurreducens.. BMC Microbiol. 9:109.
Sun J, Sayyar B, Butler JE, Pharkya P, Fahland TR, Famili I, Schilling CH, Lovley DR, Mahadevan R.  2009.  Genome-scale constraint-based modeling of Geobacter metallireducens.. BMC Syst Biol. 3:15.
Leang C, Krushkal J, Ueki T, Puljic M, Sun J, Juárez K, Núñez C, Reguera G, DiDonato R, Postier B et al..  2009.  Genome-wide analysis of the RpoN regulon in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. BMC Genomics. 10:331.
Qu Y, Brown P, Barbe JF, Puljic M, Merino E, Adkins RM, Lovley DR, Krushkal J.  2009.  GSEL version 2, an online genome-wide query system of operon organization and regulatory sequence elements of Geobacter sulfurreducens.. OMICS. 13(5):439-49.
Mouser PJ, N'guessan LA, Elifantz H, Holmes DE, Williams KH, Wilkins MJ, Long PE, Lovley DR.  2009.  Influence of heterogeneous ammonium availability on bacterial community structure and the expression of nitrogen fixation and ammonium transporter genes during in situ bioremediation of uranium-contaminated groundwater.. Environ Sci Technol. 43(12):4386-92.
Juárez K, Kim B-C, Nevin K, Olvera L, Reguera G, Lovley DR, Methé BA.  2009.  PilR, a transcriptional regulator for pilin and other genes required for Fe(III) reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 16(3-4):146-58.
Wilkins MJ, VerBerkmoes NC, Williams KH, Callister SJ, Mouser PJ, Elifantz H, N'guessan LA, Thomas BC, Nicora CD, Shah MB et al..  2009.  Proteogenomic monitoring of Geobacter physiology during stimulated uranium bioremediation.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(20):6591-9.
Mouser PJ, Holmes DE, Perpetua LA, DiDonato R, Postier B, Liu A, Lovley DR.  2009.  Quantifying expression of Geobacter spp. oxidative stress genes in pure culture and during in situ uranium bioremediation.. ISME J. 3(4):454-65.
Yi H, Nevin KP, Kim B-C, Franks AE, Klimes A, Tender LM, Lovley DR.  2009.  Selection of a variant of Geobacter sulfurreducens with enhanced capacity for current production in microbial fuel cells.. Biosens Bioelectron. 24(12):3498-503.
Holmes DE, O'Neil RA, Chavan MA, N'guessan LA, Vrionis HA, Perpetua LA, Larrahondo JM, DiDonato R, Liu A, Lovley DR.  2009.  Transcriptome of Geobacter uraniireducens growing in uranium-contaminated subsurface sediments.. ISME J. 3(2):216-30.
