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Nevin KP, Finneran KT, Lovley DR.  2003.  Microorganisms associated with uranium bioremediation in a high-salinity subsurface sediment.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 69(6):3672-5.
Liang Y, Van Nostrand JD, N'guessan LA, Peacock AD, Deng Y, Long PE, Resch TC, Wu L, He Z, Li G et al..  2012.  Microbial functional gene diversity with a shift of subsurface redox conditions during In Situ uranium reduction.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78(8):2966-72.
Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Franks AE, Summers ZM, Lovley DR.  2010.  Microbial electrosynthesis: feeding microbes electricity to convert carbon dioxide and water to multicarbon extracellular organic compounds.. MBio. 1(2)
Liu X, Ueki T, Gao H, Woodard TL, Nevin KP, Fu T, Fu S, Sun L, Lovley DR, Yao J.  2022.  Microbial biofilms for electricity generation from water evaporation and power to wearables.. Nat Commun. 13(1):4369.
Holmes DE, Chaudhuri SK, Nevin KP, Mehta T, Methé BA, Liu A, Ward JE, Woodard TL, Webster J, Lovley DR.  2006.  Microarray and genetic analysis of electron transfer to electrodes in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Environ Microbiol. 8(10):1805-15.
Anderson HA, Chen Y, Norkin LC.  1998.  MHC class I molecules are enriched in caveolae but do not enter with simian virus 40.. J Gen Virol. 79 ( Pt 6):1469-77.
Holmes DE, Shrestha PM, Walker DJF, Dang Y, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Lovley DR.  2017.  Metatranscriptomic Evidence for Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer between Geobacter and Methanothrix Species in Methanogenic Rice Paddy Soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 83(9)
Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2002.  Mechanisms for accessing insoluble Fe(III) oxide during dissimilatory Fe(III) reduction by Geothrix fermentans.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 68(5):2294-9.
Liu F, Rotaru A-E, Shrestha PM, Malvankar NS, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2015.  Magnetite compensates for the lack of a pilin-associated c-type cytochrome in extracellular electron exchange.. Environ Microbiol. 17(3):648-55.
Butler JE, Kaufmann F, Coppi MV, Núñez C, Lovley DR.  2004.  MacA, a diheme c-type cytochrome involved in Fe(III) reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens.. J Bacteriol. 186(12):4042-5.
Tan Y, Adhikari RY, Malvankar NS, Ward JE, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Smith JA, Snoeyenbos-West OL, Franks AE, Tuominen MT et al..  2016.  The Low Conductivity of Geobacter uraniireducens Pili Suggests a Diversity of Extracellular Electron Transfer Mechanisms in the Genus Geobacter.. Front Microbiol. 7:980.
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Stuart ES, Webley WC, Norkin LC.  2003.  Lipid rafts, caveolae, caveolin-1, and entry by Chlamydiae into host cells.. Exp Cell Res. 287(1):67-78.
Mueller RC, Paula FS, Mirza BS, Rodrigues JLM, Nüsslein K, Bohannan BJM.  2014.  Links between plant and fungal communities across a deforestation chronosequence in the Amazon rainforest.. ISME J. 8(7):1548-50.
Rotaru A-E, Woodard TL, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2015.  Link between capacity for current production and syntrophic growth in Geobacter species.. Front Microbiol. 6:744.
Nüsslein K, Lammel D, Tsai SM, Cerri CC.  2015.  Land use, soil and litter chemistry drive bacterial community structures in samples of the rainforest and Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) biomes in Southern Amazonia.. European Journal of Soil Biology. 66:32-29.
Paula FS, Rodrigues JLM, Zhou J, Wu L, Mueller RC, Mirza BS, Bohannan BJM, Nüsslein K, Deng Y, Tiedje JM et al..  2014.  Land use change alters functional gene diversity, composition and abundance in Amazon forest soil microbial communities.. Mol Ecol. 23(12):2988-99.
Banerjee A, Leang C, Ueki T, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2014.  Lactose-inducible system for metabolic engineering of Clostridium ljungdahlii.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 80(8):2410-6.
Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2000.  Lack of production of electron-shuttling compounds or solubilization of Fe(III) during reduction of insoluble Fe(III) oxide by Geobacter metallireducens.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 66(5):2248-51.
Richter H, Lanthier M, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2007.  Lack of electricity production by Pelobacter carbinolicus indicates that the capacity for Fe(III) oxide reduction does not necessarily confer electron transfer ability to fuel cell anodes.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 73(16):5347-53.
Shelobolina ES, Sullivan SA, O'Neill KR, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2004.  Isolation, characterization, and U(VI)-reducing potential of a facultatively anaerobic, acid-resistant Bacterium from Low-pH, nitrate- and U(VI)-contaminated subsurface sediment and description of Salmonella subterranea sp. nov.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 70(5):2959-65.
Coppi MV, O'Neil RA, Leang C, Kaufmann F, Methé BA, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Liu A, Lovley DR.  2007.  Involvement of Geobacter sulfurreducens SfrAB in acetate metabolism rather than intracellular, respiration-linked Fe(III) citrate reduction.. Microbiology. 153(Pt 10):3572-85.
Al-Badri ZM, Som A, Lyon S, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN.  2008.  Investigating the effect of increasing charge density on the hemolytic activity of synthetic antimicrobial polymers.. Biomacromolecules. 9(10):2805-10.
Al-Badri ZM, Som A, Lyon S, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN.  2008.  Investigating the effect of increasing charge density on the hemolytic activity of synthetic antimicrobial polymers.. Biomacromolecules. 9(10):2805-10.
Rotaru A-E, Shrestha PM, Liu F, Ueki T, Nevin K, Summers ZM, Lovley DR.  2012.  Interspecies electron transfer via hydrogen and formate rather than direct electrical connections in cocultures of Pelobacter carbinolicus and Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78(21):7645-51.
