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Williams KH, Nevin KP, Franks A, Englert A, Long PE, Lovley DR.  2010.  Electrode-based approach for monitoring in situ microbial activity during subsurface bioremediation.. Environ Sci Technol. 44(1):47-54.
Elifantz H, N'guessan LA, Mouser PJ, Williams KH, Wilkins MJ, Risso C, Holmes DE, Long PE, Lovley DR.  2010.  Expression of acetate permease-like (apl ) genes in subsurface communities of Geobacter species under fluctuating acetate concentrations.. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 73(3):441-9.
Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Franks AE, Summers ZM, Lovley DR.  2010.  Microbial electrosynthesis: feeding microbes electricity to convert carbon dioxide and water to multicarbon extracellular organic compounds.. MBio. 1(2)
Franks AE, Nevin KP, Glaven RH, Lovley DR.  2010.  Microtoming coupled to microarray analysis to evaluate the spatial metabolic status of Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms.. ISME J. 4(4):509-19.
N'guessan LA, Elifantz H, Nevin KP, Mouser PJ, Methé B, Woodard TL, Manley K, Williams KH, Wilkins MJ, Larsen JT et al..  2010.  Molecular analysis of phosphate limitation in Geobacteraceae during the bioremediation of a uranium-contaminated aquifer.. ISME J. 4(2):253-66.
N'guessan LA, Elifantz H, Nevin KP, Mouser PJ, Methé B, Woodard TL, Manley K, Williams KH, Wilkins MJ, Larsen JT et al..  2010.  Molecular analysis of phosphate limitation in Geobacteraceae during the bioremediation of a uranium-contaminated aquifer.. ISME J. 4(2):253-66.
Stout LM, Dodova EN, Tyson JF, Nüsslein K.  2010.  Phytoprotective influence of bacteria on growth and cadmium accumulation in the aquatic plant Lemna minor.. Water Res. 44(17):4970-9.
Kalasin S, Dabkowski J, Nüsslein K, Santore MM.  2010.  The role of nano-scale heterogeneous electrostatic interactions in initial bacterial adhesion from flow: a case study with Staphylococcus aureus.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 76(2):489-95.
Zhang T, Gannon SM, Nevin KP, Franks AE, Lovley DR.  2010.  Stimulating the anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated sediments by providing an electrode as the electron acceptor.. Environ Microbiol. 12(4):1011-20.
Fang B, Gon S, Park M, Kumar K-N, Rotello VM, Nusslein K, Santore MM.  2011.  Bacterial adhesion on hybrid cationic nanoparticle-polymer brush surfaces: ionic strength tunes capture from monovalent to multivalent binding.. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 87(1):109-15.
Cassonnet P, Rolloy C, Neveu G, Vidalain P-O, Chantier T, Pellet J, Jones L, Muller M, Demeret C, Gaud G et al..  2011.  Benchmarking a luciferase complementation assay for detecting protein complexes. Nature Methods. 8:990–992.
Tremblay P-L, Summers ZM, Glaven RH, Nevin KP, Zengler K, Barrett CL, Qiu Y, Palsson BO, Lovley DR.  2011.  A c-type cytochrome and a transcriptional regulator responsible for enhanced extracellular electron transfer in Geobacter sulfurreducens revealed by adaptive evolution.. Environ Microbiol. 13(1):13-23.
Wilkins MJ, Callister SJ, Miletto M, Williams KH, Nicora CD, Lovley DR, Long PE, Lipton MS.  2011.  Development of a biomarker for Geobacter activity and strain composition; proteogenomic analysis of the citrate synthase protein during bioremediation of U(VI).. Microb Biotechnol. 4(1):55-63.
Nevin KP, Hensley SA, Franks AE, Summers ZM, Ou J, Woodard TL, Snoeyenbos-West OL, Lovley DR.  2011.  Electrosynthesis of organic compounds from carbon dioxide is catalyzed by a diversity of acetogenic microorganisms.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 77(9):2882-6.
Strycharz SM, Glaven RH, Coppi MV, Gannon SM, Perpetua LA, Liu A, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2011.  Gene expression and deletion analysis of mechanisms for electron transfer from electrodes to Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Bioelectrochemistry. 80(2):142-50.
Lovley DR, Ueki T, Zhang T, Malvankar NS, Shrestha PM, Flanagan KA, Aklujkar M, Butler JE, Giloteaux L, Rotaru A-E et al..  2011.  Geobacter: the microbe electric's physiology, ecology, and practical applications.. Adv Microb Physiol. 59:1-100.
Nakatani F, Morita YS, Ashida H, Nagamune K, Maeda Y, Kinoshita T.  2011.  Identification of a second catalytically active trans-sialidase in Trypanosoma brucei.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 415(2):421-5.
Nakatani F, Morita YS, Ashida H, Nagamune K, Maeda Y, Kinoshita T.  2011.  Identification of a second catalytically active trans-sialidase in Trypanosoma brucei.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 415(2):421-5.
Miletto M, Williams KH, N'Guessan AL, Lovley DR.  2011.  Molecular analysis of the metabolic rates of discrete subsurface populations of sulfate reducers.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 77(18):6502-9.
Lovley DR, Nevin KP.  2011.  A shift in the current: new applications and concepts for microbe-electrode electron exchange.. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 22(3):441-8.
Johne R, Buck CB, Allander T, Atwood WJ, Garcea RL, Imperiale MJ, Major EO, Ramqvist T, Norkin LC.  2011.  Taxonomical developments in the family Polyomaviridae.. Arch Virol. 156(9):1627-34.
Malvankar NS, Vargas M, Nevin KP, Franks AE, Leang C, Kim B-C, Inoue K, Mester T, Covalla SF, Johnson JP et al..  2011.  Tunable metallic-like conductivity in microbial nanowire networks.. Nat Nanotechnol. 6(9):573-9.
