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Sandler SJ, Marians KJ, Zavitz KH, Coutu J, Parent MA, Clark AJ.  1999.  dnaC mutations suppress defects in DNA replication- and recombination-associated functions in priB and priC double mutants in Escherichia coli K-12.. Mol Microbiol. 34(1):91-101.
Ayala FJ, Escalante AA, Rich SM.  1999.  Evolution of Plasmodium and the recent origin of the world populations of Plasmodium falciparum.. Parassitologia. 41(1-3):55-68.
Quinteros R, Goodwin S, Lenz RW, Park WH.  1999.  Extracellular degradation of medium chain length poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoates) by Comamonas sp.. Int J Biol Macromol. 25(1-3):135-43.
Lenz RW, Farcet C, Dijkstra PJ, Goodwin S, Zhang S.  1999.  Extracellular polymerization of 3-hydroxyalkanoate monomers with the polymerase of Alcaligenes eutrophus.. Int J Biol Macromol. 25(1-3):55-60.
Chen Y, Norkin LC.  1999.  Extracellular simian virus 40 transmits a signal that promotes virus enclosure within caveolae.. Exp Cell Res. 246(1):83-90.
Coates JD, Ellis DJ, Gaw CV, Lovley DR.  1999.  Geothrix fermentans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel Fe(III)-reducing bacterium from a hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer.. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 49 Pt 4:1615-22.
Lovley DR, Fraga JL, Coates JD, Blunt-Harris EL.  1999.  Humics as an electron donor for anaerobic respiration.. Environ Microbiol. 1(1):89-98.
Wood TI, Griffith KL, Fawcett WP, Jair KW, Schneider TD, Wolf RE.  1999.  Interdependence of the position and orientation of SoxS binding sites in the transcriptional activation of the class I subset of Escherichia coli superoxide-inducible promoters.. Mol Microbiol. 34(3):414-30.
Rooney-Varga JN, Anderson RT, Fraga JL, Ringelberg D, Lovley DR.  1999.  Microbial communities associated with anaerobic benzene degradation in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 65(7):3056-63.
Lloyd JR, Blunt-Harris EL, Lovley DR.  1999.  The periplasmic 9.6-kilodalton c-type cytochrome of Geobacter sulfurreducens is not an electron shuttle to Fe(III).. J Bacteriol. 181(24):7647-9.
Liu J, Xu L, Sandler SJ, Marians KJ.  1999.  Replication fork assembly at recombination intermediates is required for bacterial growth.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96(7):3552-5.
Rich SM, Ayala FJ.  1999.  Reply. Parasitol Today. 15(1):39-40.
Lovley DR, Blunt-Harris EL.  1999.  Role of humic-bound iron as an electron transfer agent in dissimilatory Fe(III) reduction.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 65(9):4252-4.
Norkin LC.  1999.  Simian virus 40 infection via MHC class I molecules and caveolae.. Immunol Rev. 168:13-22.
Nüsslein K, Tiedje JM.  1999.  Soil bacterial community shift correlated with change from forest to pasture vegetation in a tropical soil.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 65(8):3622-6.
Stolz JF, Ellis DJ, Blum JS, Ahmann D, Lovley DR, Oremland RS.  1999.  Sulfurospirillum barnesii sp. nov. and Sulfurospirillum arsenophilum sp. nov., new members of the Sulfurospirillum clade of the epsilon Proteobacteria.. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 49 Pt 3:1177-80.
Weiner JM, Lovley DR.  1998.  Anaerobic benzene degradation in petroleum-contaminated aquifer sediments after inoculation with a benzene-oxidizing enrichment.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 64(2):775-8.
Coates JD, Councell T, Ellis DJ, Lovley DR.  1998.  Carbohydrate oxidation coupled to Fe(III) reduction, a novel form of anaerobic metabolism.. Anaerobe. 4(6):277-82.
Nüsslein K, Tiedje JM.  1998.  Characterization of the dominant and rare members of a young Hawaiian soil bacterial community with small-subunit ribosomal DNA amplified from DNA fractionated on the basis of its guanine and cytosine composition.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 64(4):1283-9.
Anderson RT, Chapelle FH, Lovley DR.  1998.  Evidence against hydrogen-based microbial ecosystems in basalt aquifers. Science. 281(5379):976-7.
Cord-Ruwisch R, Lovley DR, Schink B.  1998.  Growth of geobacter sulfurreducens with acetate in syntrophic cooperation with hydrogen-oxidizing anaerobic partners. Appl Environ Microbiol. 64(6):2232-6.
Bradley PM, Chapelle FH, Lovley DR.  1998.  Humic acids as electron acceptors for anaerobic microbial oxidation of vinyl chloride and dichloroethene.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 64(8):3102-5.
Rich SM, Licht MC, Hudson RR, Ayala FJ.  1998.  Malaria's Eve: evidence of a recent population bottleneck throughout the world populations of Plasmodium falciparum.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 95(8):4425-30.
Anderson HA, Chen Y, Norkin LC.  1998.  MHC class I molecules are enriched in caveolae but do not enter with simian virus 40.. J Gen Virol. 79 ( Pt 6):1469-77.
Vargas M, Kashefi K, Blunt-Harris EL, Lovley DR.  1998.  Microbiological evidence for Fe(III) reduction on early Earth.. Nature. 395(6697):65-7.
