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Tan Y, Adhikari RY, Malvankar NS, Pi S, Ward JE, Woodard TL, Nevin KP, Xia Q, Tuominen MT, Lovley DR.  2016.  Synthetic Biological Protein Nanowires with High Conductivity.. Small. 12(33):4481-5.
Tan Y, Adhikari RY, Malvankar NS, Ward JE, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Smith JA, Snoeyenbos-West OL, Franks AE, Tuominen MT et al..  2016.  The Low Conductivity of Geobacter uraniireducens Pili Suggests a Diversity of Extracellular Electron Transfer Mechanisms in the Genus Geobacter.. Front Microbiol. 7:980.
Tan Y, Adhikari RY, Malvankar NS, Ward JE, Woodard TL, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2017.  Expressing the Geobacter metallireducens PilA in Geobacter sulfurreducens Yields Pili with Exceptional Conductivity.. mBio. 8(1)
Tang H-Y, Holmes DE, Ueki T, Palacios PA, Lovley DR.  2019.  Iron Corrosion via Direct Metal-Microbe Electron Transfer.. mBio. 10(3)
Tang H-Y, Yang C, Ueki T, Pittman CC, Xu D, Woodard TL, Holmes DE, Gu T, Wang F, Lovley DR.  2021.  Stainless steel corrosion via direct iron-to-microbe electron transfer by Geobacter species.. ISME J. 15(10):3084-3093.
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Tender LM, Reimers CE, Stecher HA, Holmes DE, Bond DR, Lowy DA, Pilobello K, Fertig SJ, Lovley DR.  2002.  Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor.. Nat Biotechnol. 20(8):821-5.
Tor JM, Kashefi K, Lovley DR.  2001.  Acetate oxidation coupled to Fe(iii) reduction in hyperthermophilic microorganisms.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 67(3):1363-5.
Tor JM, Lovley DR.  2001.  Anaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds coupled to Fe(III) reduction by Ferroglobus placidus.. Environ Microbiol. 3(4):281-7.
Tor JM, Amend JP, Lovley DR.  2003.  Metabolism of organic compounds in anaerobic, hydrothermal sulphate-reducing marine sediments.. Environ Microbiol. 5(7):583-91.
Tran HT, Krushkal J, Antommattei FM, Lovley DR, Weis RM.  2008.  Comparative genomics of Geobacter chemotaxis genes reveals diverse signaling function.. BMC Genomics. 9:471.
Tremblay P-L, Summers ZM, Glaven RH, Nevin KP, Zengler K, Barrett CL, Qiu Y, Palsson BO, Lovley DR.  2011.  A c-type cytochrome and a transcriptional regulator responsible for enhanced extracellular electron transfer in Geobacter sulfurreducens revealed by adaptive evolution.. Environ Microbiol. 13(1):13-23.
Tremblay P-L, Lovley DR.  2012.  Role of the NiFe hydrogenase Hya in oxidative stress defense in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. J Bacteriol. 194(9):2248-53.
Tremblay P-L, Zhang T, Dar SA, Leang C, Lovley DR.  2012.  The Rnf complex of Clostridium ljungdahlii is a proton-translocating ferredoxin:NAD+ oxidoreductase essential for autotrophic growth.. mBio. 4(1):e00406-12.
Tumwine JK, Kekitiinwa A, Nabukeera N, Akiyoshi DE, Rich SM, Widmer G, Feng X, Tzipori S.  2003.  Cryptosporidium parvum in children with diarrhea in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda.. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 68(6):710-5.
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Ueki T, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Lovley DR.  2014.  Converting carbon dioxide to butyrate with an engineered strain of Clostridium ljungdahlii.. mBio. 5(5):e01636-14.
Ueki T, Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Aklujkar MA, Holmes DE, Lovley DR.  2018.  Construction of a Strain With Exceptional Growth on Cathodes.. Front Microbiol. 9:1512.
Ueki T, Leang C, Inoue K, Lovley DR.  2012.  Identification of multicomponent histidine-aspartate phosphorelay system controlling flagellar and motility gene expression in Geobacter species.. J Biol Chem. 287(14):10958-66.
Ueki T, Lovley DR.  2010.  Novel regulatory cascades controlling expression of nitrogen-fixation genes in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(21):7485-99.
Ueki T, DiDonato LN, Lovley DR.  2017.  Toward establishing minimum requirements for extracellular electron transfer in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 364(9)
Ueki T, Lovley DR.  2007.  Heat-shock sigma factor RpoH from Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Microbiology. 153(Pt 3):838-46.
Ueki T, Walker DJF, Nevin KP, Ward JE, Woodard TL, Nonnenmann SS, Lovley DR.  2021.  Generation of High Current Densities in Geobacter sulfurreducens Lacking the Putative Gene for the PilB Pilus Assembly Motor.. Microbiol Spectr. 9(2):e0087721.
