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Nevin KP, Richter H, Covalla SF, Johnson JP, Woodard TL, Orloff AL, Jia H, Zhang M, Lovley DR.  2008.  Power output and columbic efficiencies from biofilms of Geobacter sulfurreducens comparable to mixed community microbial fuel cells.. Environ Microbiol. 10(10):2505-14.
Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2002.  Mechanisms for accessing insoluble Fe(III) oxide during dissimilatory Fe(III) reduction by Geothrix fermentans.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 68(5):2294-9.
Nevin KP, Hensley SA, Franks AE, Summers ZM, Ou J, Woodard TL, Snoeyenbos-West OL, Lovley DR.  2011.  Electrosynthesis of organic compounds from carbon dioxide is catalyzed by a diversity of acetogenic microorganisms.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 77(9):2882-6.
Nevin KP, Holmes DE, Woodard TL, Covalla SF, Lovley DR.  2007.  Reclassification of Trichlorobacter thiogenes as Geobacter thiogenes comb. nov.. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 57(Pt 3):463-6.
Nevin KP, Holmes DE, Woodard TL, Hinlein ES, Ostendorf DW, Lovley DR.  2005.  Geobacter bemidjiensis sp. nov. and Geobacter psychrophilus sp. nov., two novel Fe(III)-reducing subsurface isolates.. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 55(Pt 4):1667-74.
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Nie H, Zhang T, Cui M, Lu H, Lovley DR, Russell TP.  2013.  Improved cathode for high efficient microbial-catalyzed reduction in microbial electrosynthesis cells.. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 15(34):14290-4.
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Norkin LC, Anderson HA, Wolfrom SA, Oppenheim A.  2002.  Caveolar endocytosis of simian virus 40 is followed by brefeldin A-sensitive transport to the endoplasmic reticulum, where the virus disassembles.. J Virol. 76(10):5156-66.
Núñez C, Esteve-Núñez A, Giometti C, Tollaksen S, Khare T, Lin W, Lovley DR, Methé BA.  2006.  DNA microarray and proteomic analyses of the RpoS regulon in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. J Bacteriol. 188(8):2792-800.
Núñez C, Adams L, Childers S, Lovley DR.  2004.  The RpoS sigma factor in the dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens.. J Bacteriol. 186(16):5543-6.
Nüsslein K, Maris D, Timmis K, Dwyer DF.  1992.  Expression and transfer of engineered catabolic pathways harbored by Pseudomonas spp. introduced into activated sludge microcosms.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 58(10):3380-6.
Nüsslein K, Tiedje JM.  1998.  Characterization of the dominant and rare members of a young Hawaiian soil bacterial community with small-subunit ribosomal DNA amplified from DNA fractionated on the basis of its guanine and cytosine composition.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 64(4):1283-9.
Nüsslein K, Lammel D, Tsai SM, Cerri CC.  2015.  Land use, soil and litter chemistry drive bacterial community structures in samples of the rainforest and Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) biomes in Southern Amazonia.. European Journal of Soil Biology. 66:32-29.
Nüsslein K, Tiedje JM.  1999.  Soil bacterial community shift correlated with change from forest to pasture vegetation in a tropical soil.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 65(8):3622-6.
Nüsslein K, Izquierdo J.  2015.  Variation in diazotrophic community structure in forest soils reflects land use history.. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 80:1-8.
Nüsslein K, Arnt L, Rennie J, Owens C, Tew GN.  2006.  Broad-spectrum antibacterial activity by a novel abiogenic peptide mimic.. Microbiology. 152(Pt 7):1913-8.
