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Leang C, Qian X, Mester T, Lovley DR.  2010.  Alignment of the c-type cytochrome OmcS along pili of Geobacter sulfurreducens.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 76(12):4080-4.
Leang C, Adams LA, Chin K-J, Nevin KP, Methé BA, Webster J, Sharma ML, Lovley DR.  2005.  Adaptation to disruption of the electron transfer pathway for Fe(III) reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens.. J Bacteriol. 187(17):5918-26.
Lee J-E, Kim I-H, Jung J-H, Seo D-H, Kang S-G, Holden JF, Cha J, Park C-S.  2013.  Molecular cloning and enzymatic characterization of cyclomaltodextrinase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus sp. CL1.. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 23(8):1060-9.
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Lekbach Y, Liu T, Li Y, Moradi M, Dou W, Xu D, Smith JA, Lovley DR.  2021.  Microbial corrosion of metals: The corrosion microbiome.. Adv Microb Physiol. 78:317-390.
Lekbach Y, Ueki T, Liu X, Woodard T, Yao J, Lovley DR.  2023.  Microbial nanowires with genetically modified peptide ligands to sustainably fabricate electronic sensing devices.. Biosens Bioelectron. 226:115147.
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Liang D, Liu X, Woodard TL, Holmes DE, Smith JA, Nevin KP, Feng Y, Lovley DR.  2021.  Extracellular Electron Exchange Capabilities of and .. Environ Sci Technol. 55(23):16195-16203.
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Lienkamp K, Madkour AE, Musante A, Nelson CF, Nüsslein K, Tew GN.  2008.  Antimicrobial polymers prepared by ROMP with unprecedented selectivity: a molecular construction kit approach.. J Am Chem Soc. 130(30):9836-43.
Lienkamp K, Kumar K-N, Som A, Nüsslein K, Tew GN.  2009.  "Doubly selective" antimicrobial polymers: how do they differentiate between bacteria? Chemistry. 15(43):11710-4.
Lienkamp K, Madkour AE, Kumar K-N, Nüsslein K, Tew GN.  2009.  Antimicrobial polymers prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization: manipulating antimicrobial properties by organic counterion and charge density variation.. Chemistry. 15(43):11715-22.
Lim H, Eng J, Yates JR, Tollaksen SL, Giometti CS, Holden JF, Adams MWW, Reich CI, Olsen GJ, Hays LG.  2003.  Identification of 2D-gel proteins: a comparison of MALDI/TOF peptide mass mapping to mu LC-ESI tandem mass spectrometry.. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 14(9):957-70.
Lin WC, Coppi MV, Lovley DR.  2004.  Geobacter sulfurreducens can grow with oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 70(4):2525-8.
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Liu X, Zhan J, Jing X, Zhou S, Lovley DR.  2019.  A pilin chaperone required for the expression of electrically conductive Geobacter sulfurreducens pili.. Environ Microbiol. 21(7):2511-2522.
Liu F, Rotaru A-E, Shrestha PM, Malvankar NS, Nevin KP, Lovley DR.  2015.  Magnetite compensates for the lack of a pilin-associated c-type cytochrome in extracellular electron exchange.. Environ Microbiol. 17(3):648-55.
Liu X, Walker DJF, Nonnenmann SS, Sun D, Lovley DR.  2021.  Direct Observation of Electrically Conductive Pili Emanating from .. mBio. 12(4):e0220921.
Liu X, Tremblay P-L, Malvankar NS, Nevin KP, Lovley DR, Vargas M.  2014.  A Geobacter sulfurreducens strain expressing pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV pili localizes OmcS on pili but is deficient in Fe(III) oxide reduction and current production.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 80(3):1219-24.
Liu J, Xu L, Sandler SJ, Marians KJ.  1999.  Replication fork assembly at recombination intermediates is required for bacterial growth.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96(7):3552-5.
Liu X, Gao H, Ward JE, Liu X, Yin B, Fu T, Chen J, Lovley DR, Yao J.  2020.  Power generation from ambient humidity using protein nanowires.. Nature. 578(7796):550-554.
Liu X, Ueki T, Gao H, Woodard TL, Nevin KP, Fu T, Fu S, Sun L, Lovley DR, Yao J.  2022.  Microbial biofilms for electricity generation from water evaporation and power to wearables.. Nat Commun. 13(1):4369.
